RE Advent
Confirmation students can use these activities to complete 2 Service Hours if they use them intentionally with younger siblings or family members. It will be a special kind of service, teaching and reflecting about Jesus at Christmas time. Students must complete a reflection sheet for each activity. Enjoy!
Service project showing gratitude
for those who serve us overseas and here at home. There are lots of ways to serve from making a hand made item.
What is Advent
Watch Brother Francis explain Advent – you can then choose to watch a prayer with Brother Francis each day of Advent to prepare for Christmas
Click image to discover the birthplace of Jesus, by exploring images and hearing how the sights have been preserved as places of pilgrimages.
Watch a Movie Together
A Charlie Brown Christmas (G)
The Star (PG)
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
The Fourth Wise man NR
What lesson did you learn from the movie? How did it celebrate this holy season?
Christmas Games
Click image for 30 fun family games to play together this Holy Season. Enjoy time together with simple, easy was to celebrate our Lord’s birth.
Twas the Night of Jesus' birth
Click on image to print a book to read about the night Jesus was born. Keep the book to use each year and remember the wonderous coming of our Lord Jesus.
Memories Video
Click the image to watch a children choir sing about our memories. Share a favorite family memory, then share a memory of a loved one that your family has lost. Pray together for more beautiful family memories in 2021
Christmas Crafts
Create a Christmas craft. Make a Countdown paper chain, or beautiful Paper Fan Photo Ornaments or Tree Bag Toppers.
Beginner Bible Story
Click image to watch the story of the Birth of our Lord Jesus in The Beginner Bible come alive for your children.
Beginner Bible Story
Click image to watch the story of the Shepherd visiting the new born King, in The Beginner Bible come alive for your children.
Read together this Month
Discuss how God’s voice is heard in the characters and themes. Get a library loan or look online for a Christmas story or for these favorites:A Picture of God: 3 in 1 by Joanne MarxhausenA Birthday Party for Jesus by Susan JonesThe Nativity
by Juan Wijngaard
Sunday Scriptures
Use the Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families in your YC Family Box for readings and questions to talk about. You may also search online for Sunday Scriptures for Families or use Loyola’s reflections. Then submit your Family Mass/Scripture reflection here.
Activities for Advent
Click image for Advent activites
Celebrate Christmas
Click image for 24 ideas from Loyola Press, including Christmas blessings and family Christmas activities.
Need inspiration?
Read as a family this beautiful letter written by a 107-year old Great-Great Grandmother to the world during this pandemic. Click image for the full article. Discuss challenges each family member may be having and how you can overcome them together.
Read the Bible
Use the Bible to read the Nativity story. Find the story in Matthew Chapter 1: 18-2: 12, and Luke Chapter 1: 5-2:21. Reflect on the passages.
Plan to visit St. Priscilla church
Attend the Mass during the Holy season of Christmas as a family. To attend the Mass you can call the rectory or register at the entrance to the church. For those who cannot come I want to remind that we still have a special permission to attend the Holy Mass virtually and receive Holy Communion spiritually.
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
| Sing and Dance! | Christmas Carols | Pinkfong Songs for Children Teach them how to dance!